Sunday, December 20, 2009

Deception and Wildlife

December sunshine. I pray for rain, and this is what I get.

What the crows got at. See that whole bunch there? I don't know why people complained about a poor crow pecking at one papaya.
A butterfly outside the food court in office- I managed to shove it away before it got trampled to death.

A moth on the kitchen wall on a cool December afternoon (when the sun was unusually absent-minded and forgot to shine).


Bhuvaneswari Jayaraman said...

Nice pictures, Pooja. Loved the one with the ripe, crow sculpted, papaya.

Jaya said...

Thanks Bhuvani :)

fibinse said...

okay! :O so when did you decide to let the photography bug to bite you?

Jaya said...

I've always enjoyed it...only, I don't know anything about it :).